
Welcome to the University of Sydney's Academic Software Centre!

This is the University of Sydney's software distribution website, powered by Kivuto Solutions Inc, which allows the purchase of discounted software to Usyd Staff (only).

Note: Staff of affiliates and approved independent entities, visitors, contractors or consultants are not entitled to the products within this site.

The pricing provided on this site is made available exclusively through an agreement between the University of Sydney and select software publishers.

This software is meant for personal use only and should thus be downloaded and installed on your personal machine, not a University owned machine.

How to get started:

If this is the first time you are accessing the webstore, you will have to register your account.
Click on the Sign In link in the top right corner then click on the register button right below. You will be asked enter your University of Sydney email address. Upon verification, proceed with the registration process and submit the form.

If you have any difficulties retrieving your subscription, please contact support@kivuto.com

Please click on the Start Shopping link below to proceed.